
These processing options define rules for processing discounts.

1. Discount Available

Specify whether to allow the discount taken to be greater than the discount available. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow discounts taken to be greater than the discount available.

1: Allow discounts taken to be greater than the available discount.

2. Discount Applied

Specify whether to allow the discount taken to be greater than the payment amount. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow the discount taken to be greater than the payment amount.

1: Allow the discount taken to be greater than the payment amount.

3. Grace Period Days

Specify the number of days to be added to the discount due date during which the discount can be taken. This processing option is used only when the system calculates the discount taken. You can also enter the discount amount manually.

4. Discount Reason Code

Specify the default discount reason code that you want the system to use when discounts are taken. You can override this code, if necessary, when you enter the draft. The discount reason code that you enter must exist in UDC 00/DE. You must also set up a corresponding AAI item (RKDxx where xx is the reason code) for each discount reason code that you specify.