
These processing options specify whether the system displays fields for purchase orders, taxes, and foreign amounts on the Standard Invoice Entry form.

1. Purchase Order Fields

Specify whether to display the purchase order fields. Values are:

Blank: Do not display fields.

1: Display fields.

2. Tax Information

Specify whether to display tax information for an invoice. Values are:

Blank: Display tax information.

1: Do not display tax information.

If you specify not to display tax information, you disable tax processing when entering invoices.

3. Domestic and Foreign Fields

Specify whether the system displays both domestic and foreign amount fields in the detail area of the Standard Invoice Entry form. Values are:

Blank: Do not display domestic and foreign amount fields.

1: Display domestic and foreign amount fields. These fields appear on the form:

  • Domestic Gross Amount

  • Domestic Discount Available

  • Domestic Taxable Amount

  • Domestic Tax

  • Foreign Gross Amount

  • Foreign Discount Available

  • Foreign Taxable Amount

  • Foreign Tax