
These processing options specify whether the system displays the tax and purchase order fields on the form.

1. Tax Fields

Specify whether to display the Tax/Rate Area, Tax Expl Code (tax explanation code), Tax Amount, and Taxable Amount fields on the Speed Invoice Entry form. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the tax fields.

1: Display the tax fields.

2. Purchase Order Fields

Specify whether to display the P.O. No/Type/Co (Purchase Order Number, Type, and Company) field on the Speed Invoice Entry form. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the purchase order fields.

1: Display the purchase order fields.

3. Service/Tax Date Field

Specify whether to display the Service/Tax Date field on the Speed Invoice Entry form. Values are:

Blank: Do not display the Service/Tax Date field.

1: Display the Service/Tax Date field.