Draft Origination

The draft process begins when either you or the customer originates (prints) a draft. The draft shows the amount to be paid, the due date, banking information and, possibly, information about the underlying liabilities (invoices).

You can generate a draft by printing an invoice with a draft, or a statement with a draft. Some customers expect one draft per invoice. Other customers expect one draft for a statement of invoices. You can either send invoices with drafts attached or send statements with drafts attached.

The draft origination step updates the customer ledger with the draft number (statement number), but has no effect on the general ledger.

This table shows the result of draft origination. In this case, the result is the invoice record as it appears in the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) after a statement has been generated. If the customer generates the draft, you bypass this step.

Customer Number

Document Type

Document Number

Document Amount

Statement Number



