Entering Letter Text for Statements and Delinquency Notices

Access the Letter Text Identification form.

To set up letter text:

  1. On the Letter Text Identification form, complete the Letter Name, Description, Letter Type, and Language fields.

  2. To specify the text, select Attachments from the Form menu.

  3. On the Media Object Viewer form, click Text, and type the necessary message.

    Do not use tabs to format the text. You should use spaces to format the text as you want it to appear on the statement or notice.

  4. Click Save.

  5. On the Letter Text Identification form, click OK.

    • Letter Name

      Enter the name that identifies a predefined letter in the F03B28 table. This field is case-sensitive, so you must enter the letter name as it was created in the table, such as Letter1. You can add letter text in a foreign language.

    • Letter Type

      Enter a code to identify and organize the text that prints on statements or delinquency notices. The value that you specify must exist in UDC table 03B/LT. For example, you might set up letter types for any of these reasons:

      To represent the process in which the letter (text) is used, such as delinquency notices or statements.

      • To differentiate letters for notices from letters for statements.

      • To identify a customer base, such as preferred.

      • To indicate a severity level.

        For example, you might use LETTER1 for the least severe notification text and LETTER5 for the most severe.

    • Language

      Enter the UDC (01/LP) that specifies the language to use on forms and printed reports. Before you specify a language, a code for that language must exist at either the system level or in the user preferences.