Entering Stand-Alone Transactions without Invoice Match

The task to create stand-alone transactions without invoice match is the same regardless of whether you select Standard Receipts Entry or one of the draft entry programs. This task is described using the Receipt Entry form only.

Access the Receipt Entry or Draft Entry form.

To create stand-alone transactions without invoice match:

  1. On Receipt Entry or Draft Entry, follow the steps to enter an unapplied receipt or an unapplied draft.

  2. From the Form menu, select Stand-alone, and then select Write-Off, Chargeback or Deduction.

  3. On Create Stand-alone Transaction, complete the Customer and Customer Reference fields.

  4. For stand-alone write-offs, complete the Write-Off Amount and Write-Off Reason Code fields.

  5. For stand-alone chargebacks, complete the Chargeback G/L Offset, Chargeback Amount, and Chargeback Reason Code fields.

  6. For stand-alone deductions, complete the Deduction Amount and Deduction Reason Code fields.

  7. Click OK.

    On Receipts Entry, the system adds a new detail line, creates a positive payment amount for the stand-alone transaction, and assigns the appropriate type input code.

    Note: If you are creating standalone chargebacks to distribute an unapplied receipt among multiple customer accounts, repeat steps 2, 3, and 5 for each customer to whom you want to distribute an amount.
  8. Verify that the Amount Pending and Amount Unapplied fields on the bottom of the form contain the correct information

    If you have fully applied the payment to invoices, the amount pending should equal the receipt amount that appears in the header portion of the entry form.

  9. Click OK.

    • Customer

      If you are creating stand-alone chargebacks so that you can distribute an unapplied receipt among multiple customers, enter the customer number to whom you want to distribute the unapplied receipt. The system creates credit (RB) records in the F03B11 table for the appropriate customers, which you can locate and apply against invoices at a later time.

    • Write-Off Amount

      For stand-alone write-offs without invoice match, you must enter the write-off amount as a credit (negative amount). Otherwise, the system creates an unapplied record for twice the amount that you specified.

    • Write-Off Reason Code

      The system does not accept blank as a value, even if it is set up in the user-defined codes. If you leave this field blank, the system does not use the default write-off reason code from the processing options.

    • Chargeback Amount

      Enter the amount that you want to distribute to the first customer as a credit (negative amount). Otherwise, the system creates an unapplied record for twice the amount specified.

    • Deduction Amount

      For stand-alone deductions without invoice match, you must enter the Deduction Amount as a credit (negative amount).

    • Deduction Reason Code

      The system does not accept blank as a value, even if it is set up in the user-defined codes. If you leave this field blank, the system does not use the default deduction reason code from the processing options.

    • Amount Unapplied

      The system creates an unapplied record for the amount in this field.