Example of Aging

This information applies to this example:

  • Credit and Collection Date Pattern: Defined for a calendar year.

  • Date Aging Based On: Invoice due date.

  • Invoice that is entered for 2000 with a due date of June 15, 2008.

When you run the Statistical History Update program on or after June 15, 2008, the amount of the invoice (2000) appears in the first aging category for the period ending June 30, 2008.

If the invoice is outstanding when you run the Statistical History Update program in July, the system displays 2000 in the first aging category for both the period ending June 30, 2008 and the period ending July 31, 2008. If the invoice is outstanding when you run the Statistical History Update program in August, the system displays:

  • 2000 in the third aging category for the period that ends August 31, 2008.

  • 2000 in the second aging category for the period that ends July 31, 2008.

  • 2000 in the first aging category for the period that ends June 30, 2008.

This table illustrates how the system displays aging information on the Periodic Statistics form after running the Statistical History Update program on June 15, 2008:

Period End Date

Aging Amount 1

Aging Amount 2

Aging Amount 3

Aging Amount 4

June 30, 2008


This table illustrates how the system displays aging information on the Periodic Statistics form after running the Statistical History Update program on July 15, 2008:

Period End Date

Aging Amount 1

Aging Amount 2

Aging Amount 3

Aging Amount 4

July 31, 2008


June 30, 2008


This table illustrates how the system displays aging information on the Periodic Statistics form after running the Statistical History Update program on August 15, 2008:

Period End Date

Aging Amount 1

Aging Amount 2

Aging Amount 3

Aging Amount 4

August 31, 2008


July 31, 2008


June 30, 2008


This table illustrates how the system displays aging information on the Periodic Statistics form after running the Statistical History Update program on September 15, 2008:

Period End Date

Aging Amount 1

Aging Amount 2

Aging Amount 3

Aging Amount 4

September 30, 2008


August 31, 2008


July 31, 2008


June 30, 2008