Fields in the F03B16 Table

Review the following table:

Field Name



Address Number


A key field in this table.



A key field in this table.



A key field in this table.

Fiscal Year


A key field in this table.

Period Number


A key field in this table.

Ending Date


Ending date of this period.

Period Days


Number of days in this period.

Ending Balance Amount


Start with beginning balance (the ending balance of the previous period) and add invoices and subtract receipts for the period processed.

Delinquent Balance Amount


Ending balance minus the sum of the future and current aging categories in the record.

High Balance Amount


The sum of the open invoices that are past due for the customer.

Date of High Balance


G/L Date from period with the high balance amount.

Days Sales Outstanding


Review the following calculation methods.

Count Back Method:

Accumulated End Balance = Starts with Ending Balance Amount (ENBL)

Accumulated DSO Days = Zero

If Accumulated End Balance <= Zero, stop DSO calculation.

If period not found, stop DSO calculation.

The following calculations are done per each period requested on processing options:

If Accumulated End Balance >= Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Accumulated End Balance = Accumulated End Balance - Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Accumulated DSO Days = Accumulated DSO Days + Days in Period (DAYP)


  • Accumulated DSO Days = Accumulated DSO Days + ((Accumulated End Balance / Sales Amount (SAG)) *Days in Period (DAYP))

Stop DOS Calculation

DSO = Accumulated DSO Days

Average Balance Method:

Accumulated Total Sales = Starts with Sales Amount (SAG) current period

Accumulated End Balance = Starts with Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) current period

Accumulated End Balance = Starts with Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) current period

Accumulated Total Number Days = Starts with Days in Period (DAYP) current period

f period not found, stop DSO calculation.

The following calculations are done per each period before the current period based on periods requested on processing options:

Days Sales Outstanding (continued)


  • Accumulated Total Sales = Accumulated Total Sales + Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Accumulated End Balance = Accumulated End Balance + Ending Balance Amount (ENBL)

  • Accumulated Total Number Days = Accumulated Total Number Days + Days in Period (DAYP)

Average Number Days = Accumulated Total Number Days / Periods Processed

DSO = ((Accumulated End Balance / Accumulated Total Sales) * Average Number Days)

Current Balance Method:

Accumulated End Balance = Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) current period

Accumulated Total Sales = Starts with Sales Amount (SAG) current period

Accumulated Total Number Days = Starts with Days in Period (DAYP) current period

The following calculations are done per each period before the current period based on periods requested on processing options:

  • Accumulated Total Sales = Accumulated Total Sales + Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Accumulated Total Number Days = Accumulated Total Number Days + Days in Period (DAYP)

DSO = ((Accumulated End Balance * Accumulated Total Number Days) / Accumulated Total Sales)

Best DSO


Review the following calculation methods.

Count Back Method:

Current Balance = Starts with Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) - Amount Past Due (DLBL)

Accumulated DSO Days = Zero

If Current Balance <= Zero, stop DSO calculation.

If period not found, stop DSO calculation.

The following calculations are done per each period requested on processing options:

If Current Balance >= Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Current Balance = Current Balance - Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Accumulated Best DSO Days = Accumulated Best DSO Days + Days in Period (DAYP)


  • Accumulated Best DSO Days = Accumulated Best DSO Days + ((Current Balance / Sales Amount (SAG)) * Days in Period (DAYP))

Best DSO (continued)


Stop Best DSO calculation

BDSO = Accumulated Best DSO Days

Average Balance Method:

Accumulated Total Sales = Starts with Sales Amount (SAG) current period

Current Balance = Starts with Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) - Amount Past Due (DLBL) current period

Accumulated Total Number Days = Starts with Days in Period (DAYP) current period

If period not found, stop DSO calculation.

The following calculations are done per each period before the current period based on periods requested on processing options:

  • Accumulated Total Sales = Accumulated Total Sales + Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Current Balance = Current Balance + Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) - Amount Past Due (DLBL)

  • Accumulated Total Number Days = Accumulated Total Number Days + Days in Period (DAYP)

Average Number Days = Accumulated Total Number Days / Periods Processed

Best DSO = ((Current Balance / Accumulated Total Sales) * Average Number Days)

Current Balance Method:

Current Balance = Ending Balance Amount (ENBL) - Amount Past Due (DLBL) current period

Accumulated Total Sales = Starts with Sales Amount (SAG) current period

Accumulated Total Number Days = Starts with Days in Period (DAYP) current period

The following calculations are done per each period before the current period based on periods requested on processing options:

  • Accumulated Total Sales = Accumulated Total Sales + Sales Amount (SAG)

  • Accumulated Total Number Days = Accumulated Total Number Days + Days in Period (DAYP)

Best DSO Amount = ((Current Balance * Accumulated Total Number Days) / Accumulated Total Sales)

Delinquent DSO


Difference between DSO and Best DSO in this record.

Average Days Late


The Average Days Late maximum value is 999.

The Average Days Late minimum value is -999.

Per Customer or Company and Period:

Per each receipt (F03B14) with an Invoice Journal Date and Payment Amount populated:

  • Number of Days Late = Day Difference between Due Data (DDJ) and Receipt G/L Date (DGJ)

  • Total Number of Days Late = Total Number of Days Late + Number of Days Late

Per each paid in full receipt (F03B14):

  • Total Number of Days Late = Total Number of Days Late + Number of Days Late

  • Total Amount Paid Late = Totals Amount Paid Late + Accumulated Payment Amount (F03B14.PAAP)

If total amount paid late is not zero:

  • Current Average Days Late = (Number of Days Late (Accumulated Payment Amount (F03B14.PAAP) /Total Amount Paid Late)) *

  • Previous Average Days Late = (Total Average Days Late * (Previous Payment Amount /Total Amount Paid Late))

  • Total Average Days Late = Current Average Days Late / Previous Average Days Late

  • Previous Payment Amount = Previous Payment Amount +Accumulated Payment Amount (F03B14.PAAP)

Average Days Late = Total Average Days Late

Average Days Late (continued)


If a F03B16 record exists:

  • Previous Amount Paid Late = Payment Amount (F03B16.PAAP)

  • Current Average Days Late = Total Average Days Late * (Total Amount Paid Late /Payment Amount (F03B16.PAAP))

  • Payment Amount (F03B16.PAAP))Previous Average Days Late = Average Days Late (F03B16.AVDL) * (Previous Amount Paid Late /

  • Average Days Late = Current Average Days Late + Previous Average Days

Average Days Late Non-Weighted


The Average Days Late maximum value is 999.

The Average Days Late minimum value is -999.

Per Customer or Company and Period:

  • Total Number of Days Late = Total Number of Days Late + Number of Days Late

  • Average Days Late Non- Weighted = (Total Number of Days Late / Number of Invoices Paid (F03B16.NINP))

If a F03B16 record exists:

  • Previous Total Number of Days Late = (Average Days Late Non- Weighted (F03B16.AVDN) /Number of Invoices Paid (F03B16.NINP))

  • Previous Total Number of Days Late = Previous Total Number of Days Late + Total Number of Days Late

  • Average Days Late Non- Weighted = (Previous Total Number of Days Late /Number of Invoices Paid (F03B16.NINP))

Gross Amount


Sum of invoice gross amounts where the gross amount is greater than zero. Do not include chargeback (RB doc type) and deduction (RS doc type) invoices.

Number of Invoices


Number of invoices where the gross amount is greater than or equal to zero. Do not include chargeback (RB doc type) and deduction (RS doc type) invoices.

Sales Amount


Sum of invoice taxable amounts. If the taxable amount is empty on an invoice, then use the gross amount of that invoice.

Credit Amount


Sum of invoice gross amounts where the gross amount is less than zero.

Discount Available Amount


Sum of invoice discount available amounts.

Delinquency Fee Amount


Sum of invoice gross amounts where the invoice is a delinquency fee (RF doc type).

Chargeback Amount


Sum of invoice gross amounts where the invoice is a chargeback (RB doc type).

Number of Chargebacks


Number of invoices that are chargebacks (RB doc type).

Payment Amount


Sum of receipt pay-item payment amounts.

Discount Taken Amount


Sum of receipt pay-item discount taken amounts.

Earnable Discount Amount (EDSC)


Sum of receipt pay-item discount taken amounts where the G/L date of the receipt pay item is less than or equal to the discount due date of the invoice it is paying.

Un-Earnable Discount Amount


Sum of receipt pay-item discount taken amounts where the G/L date of the receipt pay item is greater than or equal to the discount due date of the invoice it is paying.

Number of Invoices Paid


Number of receipt pay items that caused the open amount of an invoice to be zero.

Paid Late Amount


Sum of receipt pay item payment amounts where the G/L date of the receipt pay item is greater than the due date of the invoice it is paying. Invoice credit memos are not included in these calculations.

Number of Invoices Paid Late


Number of receipt pay items that caused the open amount of an invoice to be zero and the G/L date of the receipt pay item is greater than the due date of the invoice it paid.

Deduction Amount


Sum of receipt pay item deduction amounts.

Number of Deductions


Number of receipt pay items where the deduction amount is not zero.

Minor Write Off Amount


The sum of bad debit and minor write-off amounts.

Total Write Off Amount


Bad debit amount plus minor amount write-off for this record.

Bad Debit Amount


If the Write-off Reason Code field is populated and the Special Handling Code in the 03B/RC UDC table is blank, the system adds write-off amounts to the Bad Debt total. Otherwise, the amount is accumulated into the Minor Write Off total.

Non sufficient Funds Amount


Sum of receipt check amounts where the receipt has been marked as insufficient funds.

Number of NSFs


Number of receipts that have been marked as insufficient funds.

Collection Manager


The address number of the collection manager for this customer.

Credit Manager


The address number of the credit manager for this customer.

Recalculate High Balance Amount


Internal flag indicating that the system should recalculate the high balance for this record.

Recalculate Ending Balance Amount


Internal flag indicating that the system should recalculate the ending balance for this record.

Currency Code


The currency of all amounts in this record.If the company is 00000, then the currency code is the customer's currency. Otherwise, the currency code is the currency of the company.

Future Amount Due


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the future aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Current Amount Due


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the current aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 1 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the first aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 2 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the second aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 3 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the third aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 4 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the fourth aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 5 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the fifth aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 6 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the sixth aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Aging Category 7 Amount


Sum of invoice open amounts that fall into the seventh aging category, as determined by the A/R constants for this company.

Changed Amount


Internal amount.

User ID


Identification of the user who ran the program which last updated this record.

Program ID


Identification of the program that last updated this record.

Date Last Updated


Date this record was last updated.

Time Last Updated


Time this record was last updated.

Work Station ID


Identification of the work station that last updated this record.


The period ending date is the date used to age invoice open amounts.

Do not include unapplied cash records (document type RU) when calculating Average Days Late, Average Days Late Non-Weighted, Credit Amount, Discount Taken Amount, Earnable Discount Taken Amount, Un-Earnable Discount Taken Amount, Number of Invoices Paid, Paid Late Amount, and Number of Invoices Paid Late.

The company 00000 records are the summation of a customer's activity across all companies.