Late Payment

These processing options specify whether to process late payment fees in proof or final mode and the data to assign to the fee invoice records.

1. Print Fee Report

Specify whether to run the program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system prints a report of the customers for whom a fee will be generated and the invoices that were paid late. In final mode, the system prints a report and updates the F03B22, F03B23, and F03B14 tables. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode. Print a report only; do not update any tables.

1: Final mode. Print a report and update the tables.

2. Version For Fee Processing

Specify the version of the A/R Delinquency Fee Journal program (R03B22) for the system to use to calculate late payment fees. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default version, ZJDE0001.

Note: The A/R Delinquency Fee Journal program has associated processing options.
3. G/L Date

Specify the G/L date that you want the system to assign to the invoice fee records (RF), which the system generates when you process late payment fees in final mode. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current date.

4. Payment Terms Code

Specify the payment terms code that you want the system to assign to invoice fee records (RF), which the system generates when you process late payment fees in final mode.

5. Currency of Fee

Specify which record the system uses to determine the currency of the invoice fee record (RF). The system creates an invoice fee record when you process late payment fees in final mode. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default value, 1 (Company). Values are:

1: Company. The system creates the late payment fee in the currency that is assigned to the company that was entered on the invoice. The currency of the company is defined in the F0010 table.

2: Customer. The system creates the late payment fee in the currency that is specified in the A/B Amount Codes field (CRCA) of the customer record in the F03012 table.

3: Invoice. The system creates the late payment fee in the currency that is specified in the Currency field (CRCD) of the invoice record in the F03B11 table.