Match Priority

These processing options specify how the system locates the invoice record in the F03B11 table. The values are 1 - 6, where 1 specifies the highest priority. The sorting processing options for priority on this tab are:

  • Invoice Number

  • Sales Order Number

  • Customer Reference Number

  • Statement Number

  • Shipment Number

  • Receipt Matching Reference1

You do not have to complete all of the Match Process processing options. If you complete more than one of these processing options, each must have a different value. If you leave the Match Priority processing options blank, two different scenarios are possible:

  • If the Invoice Number field (RUD0C) in the F03B13Z1 table is not blank, the system uses the Invoice Match process.

  • If the Invoice Number field (RUD0C) in the F03B13Z1 table is blank, the system does not match receipts to invoices.

    • Invoice Number, Sales Order Number, Customer Reference Number, Statement Number, Shipment Number, and Receipt Matching Reference1

      Specify the sequence of search methods that the system uses to select invoices for automatic receipt processing.

      Valid values are blank, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. If you leave a search method field blank, the system excludes that search method and uses only the other methods that you specify. If you leave all five fields blank, the system searches using all methods in the order listed.