
These processing options specify whether the system matches the invoice based on the open amount, the amount minus the discount available, or the amount minus the earned discount. A discount is earned when the receipt date is equal or prior to the discount due date on the invoice. You must select at least one option to process Invoice Selection Match. The more options that you supply for the system to use in this algorithm, the better chance the system has for finding a match.

1. Open Invoice Amount

Specify whether the system ignores any discounts when applying receipts to open invoices. Values are:

Blank: Apply the receipt to the open invoice amount, less the discount amount. You must enter a value in either processing option 2 (Less Available Discount) or processing option 3 (Less Earnable Discount) if you use this value.

1: Apply the receipt to the open invoice amount and ignore discounts.

2. Less Available Discount

Use this processing option to apply the receipt to the open invoice amount, less the available discount. The system subtracts the available discount amount from the open invoice amount before it applies the receipt. Values are:

Blank: Apply the receipt to the open invoice amount and ignore any discounts. You must enter 1 for the Open Invoice Amount processing option if you select this value.

1: Apply the receipt to the open invoice amount, less the available discount.

3. Less Earnable Discount

Use this processing option to apply the receipt to the open invoice amount, less the earnable discount. The system subtracts the earnable discount amount from the open invoice amount before it applies the receipt. The G/L date of the receipt must be on or before the invoice discount due date for the discount to be earned. Values are:

Blank: Apply the receipt to the open invoice amount and ignore any discounts. You must enter 1 for the Open Invoice Amount processing option if you select this value.

1: Apply the receipt to the open invoice amount, less the earnable discount.

4. Underpaid Tolerance Amount

Specify the limit that the system uses to write off underpayments. If the difference between the receipt amount (Check Amount field - CKAM) in the F03B13Z1 table and the total open amount of invoices paid is equal to or less than the amount specified, the system generates a stand-alone write-off for the remaining amount.

Note: If the receipt pays only one invoice, the system writes off that invoice and does not generate a stand-alone write-off. The limit that you specify applies to the running total of invoices, not each individual invoice.

If you work with multiple currencies, the write-off tolerance amounts for underpaid invoices are based on the currency code of the receipt, and not the currency code of the invoice or company. Set up a different version of this program for each receipt currency, and then specify the currency code in the data selection when you process automatic receipts using the Apply Receipts to Invoices program (R03B50).

5. Underpaid Reason Code

Specify the reason code to assign to write-offs that occur as the result of an underpayment. Valid write-off reason codes are defined in UDC 03B/RC. You must also set up a corresponding AAI item RAxx (where xx is the reason code) to specify the write-off account to use.

6. Overpaid Tolerance Amount

Specify the limit that the system uses to write off overpayments. In the F03B13Z1 table, if the difference between the receipt amount (Check Amount field - CKAM) and the total open amount of the invoices paid is equal to or less than the amount specified, the system writes off for the remaining amount. Enter the value as a positive amount.

Note: If the receipt pays more than one invoice, the system generates a stand-alone write-off.

For example, if the receipt amount is 1000.00 and pays invoices that total 980.00, and the tolerance is set to 25.00, the system writes off 20.00.

If the difference exceeds the overpaid tolerance amount, the system creates an unapplied receipt for the difference.

For example, if the receipt amount is 1000.00 and pays invoices that total 950.00, and the tolerance is set to 25.00, the system creates an unapplied receipt for 50.00.

If you work with multiple currencies, the write-off tolerance amounts for overpaid invoices are based on the currency code of the receipt, and not the currency code of the invoice or company. Set up a different version of this program for each receipt currency, and then specify the currency code in the data selection when you process automatic receipts using the Apply Receipts to Invoices program (R03B50).

7. Overpaid Reason Code

Specify the reason code to assign to write-offs that occur as the result of an overpayment. Valid write-off reason codes are defined in UDC 03B/RC. You must also set up a corresponding AAI item RAxx (where xx is the reason code) to specify the write-off account to use.