Minor Write-off and Bad Debt Amounts

When you run Statistics History Update, the system accumulates amounts for the Minor Write-Off (MWO) and Bad Debt (BDBT) fields in the A/R Statistical History (F03B16) and A/R Statistical Summary (F03B16S) tables. The system determines the write-off amount with which to update each of these fields based on the value of the Special Handling field in user-defined code (UDC) 03B/RC:

  • If the value in the Special Handling field of the UDC table is 1, the system accumulates the write-off amount for the Minor Write-Off field.

  • If the Special Handling field is blank, the system accumulates the write-off amount for the Bad Debt field.

You specify the reason codes to associate with each field by updating the Special Handling field in the UDC table.

See Setting Up UDCs for Accounts Receivable.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Foundation Guide.