
These processing options specify how the system generates delinquency notices. You can specify options such as generation mode (proof or final), version, and the "remit to" address.

1. Generate Delinquency Notices

Specify how the system generates delinquency notices. Values are:

Blank: The system does not generate delinquency notices.

0: Proof mode. The system generates a report that includes all customers who are eligible to receive a delinquency notice and the invoices that are delinquent for each customer.

1: Final mode. The system generates a delinquency notice for each eligible customer and updates these tables:

  • F03B20

  • F03B21

  • F03B11

2. Notice Print Program

Specify the Delinquency Notice Print Program that you want the system to run when you generate delinquency notices. You can select one of the standard programs, or create a custom print program. The available standard programs are:

R03B20: A/R Delinquency Notices Print

R03B21: Global Reminders

If you leave this field blank the system uses R03B20.

Note: Both R03B20 and R03B21 have processing options associated with them.
3. Version for Notices

Specify the version of the delinquency notice print program specified in the Notice Print Program processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses ZJDE0001.

4. Remit To Address

Specify the remit to address that appears on the delinquency notice. The remit to address indicates where the customer should send payments. The system retrieves this address based on the address book record that is set up for the company that is designated on the invoice in the Address Book Master table (F0101). Values are:

Blank: Use the address of the company designated on the F03B11 invoice record. The system retrieves the address book number of the company from the Company Constants table (F0010).

Note: If you select to consolidate notices for all companies, the system uses the address of the company with the lowest company number for which that customer has open invoices. For example, if the customer has open invoice in companies 00001, 00050, and 00070, the system uses the address for company 00001.

A: Use the value in the 1st Address Number field (AN81) of the company record.

B: Use the value in the second Address Number field (AN82) of the company record.

C: Use the value in the third Address Number field (AN83) of the company record.

D: Use the value in the fifth Address Number field (AN84) of the company record.

E: Use the value in the Factor/Special Payee field (AN85) of the company record.

F: Use the value in the 5th Address Number field (AN86) of the company record.

Address: Specify an address book number that you want the system to use instead of the company's address book number. For example, if you generate notices for company 00001, and you want the receipts to be remitted to a lockbox address, you set up the lockbox address as a record in the Address Book system and assign the address book number of the lockbox to one of the address book number fields on the address book record for company 00001. In this processing option, you specify which of these address book numbers to use.

Note: You can specify that the system omits printing the Remit To address by setting the processing option in the A/R Delinquency Notices Print (R03B20) or the Global Reminders program (R03B21).
5. Consolidate Companies

Specify how the system generates notices. Values are:

Blank: The system generates a separate notice for each company, by customer.

1: The system generates notices that consolidate companies, by customer.

6. Determine Severity Level

Specify whether the system locates the notification instructions (policy) based on the aging category or the severity level of the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Use the aging category.

1: Use the total number of reminders sent to determine the severity level. For example, if the number of reminders (notices) sent is 2, the system searches for a policy that specifies 3 in the Aging Category/Severity field.

7. Display nondelinquent Invoices

Use this processing option to control the invoice detail printed on delinquency notices. Values are:

Blank: Display only delinquent invoices in detail. No credits are displayed.

1: Display all invoices in detail, including credits.

2: Display only credit memos. (Release 9.2 Update)

3: Display only nondelinquent invoices. (Release 9.2 Update)