
1. Contributor Name

Specify the contributor number that is assigned to you by the credit reporting agency so that your data can be correctly identified.

2. Business Category Code

Specify the four character code that is assigned to you by the credit reporting agency.

3. Process Date

Specify the date to use in the credit reporting data. If this option is left blank, the system date is used.

4. Printed Amount Code

Specify the code to use to format amounts that print on credit reports. The value you enter must exist in UDC 03B/AC (Printed Account Format). Values are:

0: The system prints the amount as entered. This is the default value.

1: The system prints +100000 on account balances over 100,000.

2: The system prints +200000 on account balances over 200,000.

3: The system prints +300000 on account balances over 300,000.

4: The system prints +400000 on account balances over 400,000.

5: The system prints +500000 on account balances over 500,000.

5. Version of Credit Analysis Refresh

Specify the version of the Credit Analysis Refresh program (R03B525) that the system uses.