Required Fields for Processing Batch Invoices with Discounts

To process batch invoices with discounts, you must complete these fields in the F03B11Z1 table in addition to those listed in the previous table:

Field Name




Values to Enter/Definition

Payment Terms Code




Enter a payment terms code or leave this field blank.

The value that you enter in this field must exist in the Payment Terms table (F0014). If the payment term is defined to calculate a discount, the Discount Available (VJADSC), Discount Due Date (VJDDNJ), and Net Due Date (VJDDJ) fields in the Customer Ledger table (F03B11) are updated accordingly.

If you leave this field and the Discount Available field (VJADSC) blank, and the customer has a payment term in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012), the system uses the payment term from the Customer Master table to determine the discount and the discount due date.

Discount Available




If you entered a payment terms code, leave this field blank.

If you did not enter a payment term code, enter the amount of the discount in a format that the database accepts. Some databases accept a decimal identifier, while others do not. If you enter a discount amount, you must also enter a value in the Discount Due Date field (VJDDNJ).

If you leave this field blank, the system calculates the discount amount and discount due date based on the value in the Payment Terms Code field (VJPTC). If the Payment Terms Code field is blank and the customer has a payment term in the F03012 table, the system uses the payment term from the F03012 table to calculate the discount amount and the discount due date.

You cannot specify the value in this field as a percent. For example, if you use USD currency, and you enter a value of .05, the system reads this as a 5 cent discount.

Net Due Date




Leave this field blank, if you complete the Payment Terms Code field (VJPTC). The system automatically calculates the net due date when the invoice is processed.

If you do not use a payment term, enter the net due date in a format that the database accepts. See the data item for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for more information.

Alternatively, leave this field blank and complete the VJDDM (mm), VJDDD (dd), VJDDY (yy), and VJDD# (cc) fields in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDD#). For example, enter 19 for 1999 and 20 or 2008.

This field identifies the due date of the invoice regardless of whether a discount is available. If you leave the Payment Terms Code field blank, and the customer has a payment term in the F03012 table, the system uses the payment term from the F03012 table to determine the net due date.

Discount Due Date




Leave this field blank, if you complete the Payment Terms Code field (VJPTC). The system automatically calculates the discount due date when the invoice is processed.

If you do not use a payment term, but you do use the discount available, enter a date in the format that the database accepts. See the data item for G/L Date (VJDGJ) for more information.

Alternatively, leave this field blank and complete the VJDDNM (mm), VJDDND (dd), VJDDNY (yy), and VJDDN# (cc) fields in the month/day/year/century format. Enter the prefix of the year in the Century field (VJDDN#). For example, enter 19 for 1999 and 20 for 2008.

This field identifies the date through which a discount can be taken after the receipt is received. When invoices are processed, this field is automatically updated based on the definition of the payment term.

If you leave the Payment Terms Code (VJPTC) and Discount Available (VJADSC) fields blank, and the customer has a payment term in the F03012 table, the system uses the payment term from the F03012 table to determine the values for the Discount Available (VJADSC) and Discount Due Date (VJDDNJ) fields.

Batch File Discount Handling Flag




Leave this field blank. When the invoice is processed, this field is automatically updated based on the value of the Payment Terms (VJPTC) and the Discount Available (VJADSC) fields.

Discount Taken




Leave this field blank. When the receipt is applied and the discount is taken, this field is updated in the F03B11 table.