Resetting Statements

You can reset transactions on current statements and reprocess the statements to include additional information that might not have been received or processed when you generated the original statement. This includes payment information, adjustments, and changes to invoices. For example, if you process statements before receiving a payment, you can reset the statement that you generated to include the payment information on the statement before sending it to the customer.

You can reset only the last statement generated. The system issues an error message if you try to reset previously generated statements.

When you reset statements, the system runs the version of the Statement Notification Reset program (R03B5015) that you enter in the processing options of the Review Statements program (P03B202) and resets these tables to the status they had before you originally processed the statements:

  • F03B20

  • F03B21

  • F03B11

    If you process and print an invoice in a statement once, the system resets the Statement Number (CTL) and Statement Date (SMTJ) to blank. If you do so more than once, the system resets CTL and SMTJ to their previous values.

  • F03B14

    The system resets the statement number and statement date to blank.

  • F03B112

    The system resets the Statement Print Flag (STPF) to blank.

To revise a statement that is not the current statement, you can generate a new statement by using the Date - As Of processing option in the Statement Notification Refresh program (R03B500X).