Reviewing, Approving, and Rejecting Delinquency Notices

Access the Notification Review Detail form.

Note: If you do not need to review the delinquency notice, you can approve or reject it on the Work with Delinquency Approval form by selecting Approve from the Row menu.

To approve and reject delinquency notices:

  1. Select the Invoice Summarize option and then click Find to summarize invoice pay items into one record.

    Invoice Summarize

    Select to summarize invoice pay items into one record.

    The system displays * in the Pay Itm (pay item) field when invoice pay items are summarized.

  2. Review the information on the delinquency notice, and then select either the Approved or Rejected option.


    Select to approve delinquency fees or notices that require management approval.


    Select to reject delinquency fees or notices that require management approval.

    Important: After you click OK to approve or reject a notice, you cannot select a different option.
  3. Click OK.

    If you approved the notice, you must exit the Notification Review Detail and Work with Delinquency Approval forms for the system to generate the notice. The system runs the version of the notices print program that was specified in the processing options of the Print Delinquency Notices program (R03B525) when the notice was generated. You can verify this version on the Work With Notifications form when you select the Review Delinquency Notices program (P03B202).

    The system updates the appropriate fields in the F03B11 table and updates the status of rejected notices accordingly.