Selecting Open Invoices by Remittance

The task to enter remittance information is the same regardless of whether you use the Standard Receipts Entry program (P03B102) or one of the draft entry programs. This task is presented using the Receipt Entry form only.

Access the Receipt Entry or Draft Entry form.

To select open invoices by remittance:

  1. Follow the steps to enter an unapplied receipt or an unapplied draft.

  2. On Receipt Entry or Draft Entry, select Remittance from the Form menu.

  3. On Select Invoices by Remittance, complete the optional fields to narrow the search for the invoices and click Find.

    You can also enter * to specify all values.

    Note: If the invoice does not contain the information that you entered in these fields, the system cannot locate it.
  4. In the detail area, complete the Invoice Reference field for each item on the customer's remittance.

    Enter the invoice number, statement number, sales order number, customer reference number, or shipment number. The system searches the F03B11 table for invoices in the order that are specified in the Match Priority processing options, unless you complete the Override Type field.

    Note: The system searches the A/R Notification History Detail table (F03B21) to locate the statement number; therefore, you must use the Statement Notification Refresh program (R03B500X) to generate statements for the system to locate invoices by statement number.
  5. (Optional) Complete any of the T I and Override Type fields.

  6. Click in the next detail line and review these fields that the system completes:

    • Items Found

    • Amount Open

    • Discount Available

    • Discount Earnable

    • Process Type

  7. To keep a running total of the remittance amounts, complete the Remittance Amount and Remittance Discount fields to update the totals on the bottom of the form.


    The system does not use the remittance amounts entered as the payment and discount amounts on the receipt or draft entry form.

    The system calculates the payment amount for you only if the type input code is provided (either as a default in the processing options or as an override on this form). Otherwise, you must specify the payment amount on the receipt or draft entry form.

  8. Click OK.

    The system displays the invoices on the entry form in the order that you entered them on the remittance form.

    • Override Type

      Enter the number to identify which matching process the system runs to locate invoices. If you leave the field blank, the system uses the matching process that is specified in the processing options for the Standard Receipts Entry program (P03B102). Values are:

      1: Invoice Match

      2: Sales Order Match

      3: Customer Reference Match

      4: Statement Number Match

      5: Shipment Number Match

      To reduce processing time, you can specify the search criteria for the system to use to locate the invoice based on the information entered. For example, if you enter an invoice number in the Invoice Reference field, you can enter 1 in the Override Type field and the system searches for the invoice by invoice number only and ignores the Match Priority processing options.