Troubleshooting Tips

Note these troubleshooting tips:

  • In the parent/child relationship between customers, the parent cannot be the child of its child.

    This causes a loop error.

  • The Statistics History Update program includes only records that match one of these selection criteria:

    F03B11: select where RPPOST = D and RPISTC ! = 1 and RPDCT ! = RU and RPAN8 ! = 0

    F03B112: select where RWPOST = D and RWISTC ! = 1 and RWAN8 ! = 0

    F03B13: select where RYNFVD = N and RYISTC ! = 1 and RYAN8 ! = 0

    F03B14: select where RZPOST = D and RZISTC ! = 1 and RZAN8 ! = 0

  • The system creates F03B11 R5 records with ISTC = 1 so that they are not included in the Statistics History Update program.