Understanding Customer Master Records

Before you can bill a customer for goods or services, you must enter a customer master record. Each customer master record is uniquely identified in the system by a number called the address book number. You can enter an address book record directly using the Customer Master Information program (P03013) or you can use the Address Book program (P01012). An address book record for a customer must exist in the system before you can enter a customer master record.

When you enter a customer master record, you specify these types of information:

  • Information for invoice and manual receipt processing.

  • G/L account information.

  • Information for processing automatic receipts.

  • Tax information.

  • Currency information.

  • Billing and shipping information for processing sales orders.

  • Credit and collection information.

  • EDI (electronic data interchange) information for processing sales orders electronically.

  • Category code information.