Understanding Draft Statuses

If you remit or collect a draft in error, you can return the draft to its prior status rather than completely processing the draft and then voiding it. You can select multiple drafts for this purpose. The system reverses any changes that were made to the drafts when each was moved to its current status.

Note: You cannot return a draft from the acceptance status to a prior status, or return a draft that is voided or designated as having insufficient funds (NSF) to a prior status.

In the processing options for the draft entry programs (P03B602), you can specify whether to prohibit users from using this feature.

When you return a draft to a previous status, the system:

  • Issues a warning that the remittance paper or tape batch might have already been sent to the bank for processing.

  • Removes the draft from the remittance register if the draft is included in the remittance register.

  • Updates the draft invoice record (R1) in the F03B11 table to the prior pay status.

  • Updates the F03B13 table with the prior draft status and batch.

  • Removes unposted records from the F03B14 table for the current status.

  • Reverses posted records from the F03B14 table for the current status.

  • Deletes the draft record from the Draft Remittance Work File table (F03B672) if it exists (remitted using a tape format), and marks the Text Processor Header record (F007101) with a status of 3 (Suspended/Outbound).

    Note: The system retrieves the status for the Text Processor Header record from the user defined code 00/TL.