Understanding Letter Text for Statements and Delinquency Notices

Use the Statements/Notices Letter Text program (P03B2801) to set up the text that you want to print on statements and delinquency notices. The system prints the text in the language that is specified in the user profile.

When you print statements, you specify the text to print using the associated processing options in the Statement Notification Refresh program (R03B500X). For example, you might want to include a holiday greeting or include a sentence thanking the customer for prompt remittance of their payment.

When you print delinquency notices, you specify the text to print by assigning the associated letter to the aging category or severity level in the notification instructions for the policy. Associating the letter text with the aging category enables you to print more severe text on notices that include invoices in the oldest aging category (or at the highest severity level).

The system stores information about letters in these tables:

  • Letter Text (F03B28)

  • Media Objects storage (F00165)