Understanding Stand-Alone Records

Stand-alone records are write-offs, chargebacks, and deductions that are not associated with any known invoice. You create stand-alone records when the customer sends a payment for several invoices, but the payment amount does not equal the total amount of the invoices. You can also use the stand-alone feature when an unapplied payment is applied to several invoices and a small difference between the totals exists. In these scenarios, the system matches the payment to invoices, but the shortage is recorded without specifying a particular invoice.

You can also use the stand-alone feature without performing an invoice match. For example, you can create a deduction or write off a small duplicate payment. Additionally, to distribute an unapplied payment to several customer accounts, you can enter a stand-alone chargeback without invoice matching. When you use the stand-alone feature without invoice matching, you must enter the amount as a credit (negative); otherwise, the system creates an unapplied payment for twice the amount specified.

It is recommended that you use the stand-alone feature in conjunction with invoice match, whenever possible.

You use these type input codes to create stand-alone transactions in the receipt and draft entry programs:

Type Input Code


25 (Stand-alone write-off)

Use this code to create a write-off for a disputed amount, such as tax on a freight charge, that is not associated with a specific invoice.

26 (Stand-alone chargeback)

Use this code to create a chargeback invoice for an unpaid amount that is not associated with a specific invoice.

27 (Stand-alone deduction)

Use this code to create a deduction for an amount that is not associated with a specific invoice.