Understanding the A/R to Account Balance by Account ID

For each offset account by account ID, the A/R to Account Balance by Account ID report (R03B707) compares amounts updated in the Account Balances table (F0902) with posted amounts in these transaction tables:

  • F03B11

  • F03B112

  • F03B13

  • F03B14

The report compensates for unposted transactions in the Invoice Revisions table.

The report considers these Accounts Receivable accounts:

  • A/R offset accounts (AAI item RC).

  • Write-off accounts (AAI item RA).

  • Deduction accounts (AAI item RN).

  • Discount taken accounts (AAI item RKD).

  • Bank accounts (AAI item RB).

  • Delinquency fee accounts (AAI items RFC and RFD).

  • Gain/loss accounts (AAI items RG and RL).

  • Alternate currency gain/loss accounts (RY and RZ).

  • Rounding account (AAI item R8).

The system updates each accounts receivable transaction (F03B11, F03B13, and F03B14) with the appropriate account ID for the transaction when it is generated.

When you run the report, the system accumulates amounts from the appropriate accounts receivable transaction tables by:

  • Account ID

  • Company

  • Fiscal year

  • Century

  • G/L period number

  • Base currency code

The system prints the result with the corresponding F0902 account balance.

Note: The system uses different tables to compute the amounts for the various A/R accounts. For example, the system uses amounts from the F03B11, F03B112, and F03B14 tables to compute the amount for the A/R trade account, but uses only the amount from the F03B13 table to compute the amount for the bank account.

This report does not consider these document types in the F03B11 table:

  • R1 (draft invoices)

  • RU (unapplied receipts)

  • RB (chargeback invoices)

  • R5 (deduction)