Understanding the Automatic Debits Purge Process

After you successfully process a batch of automatic debits, you can purge the processed records. When you select to purge auto debit batches, the system purges records from these tables:

  • F03B575

  • F03B57OW

The system also prompts you to additionally purge the record in the F03B571 table. If you do not select to purge the F03B571 table, the system updates the status of the batch records to 5 (Purged) but does not remove them from the table. You can still purge these records at a later date by choosing the option.

You should purge automatic debit batches only when the status of the auto debit batch is 4 (Copy to Medium). If you purge batches at any other status, the system displays a Purge Confirmation window.

Important: After you purge automatic debit information, you cannot recover the information, and no audit trail exists.