Understanding the Collection Report

To review a list of outstanding items for customers with past-due accounts, print the Collection Report. You can use this report to determine whether to consign specific invoices or customers to an external collection agency.

For invoices to be eligible for external collections, you must select the Collection Report option on the customer master record. Additionally, you must run the Update A/R from Address Book program (R03B802) to update the Collection Report field (RPCOLL) to Y on the customer's existing open invoice records (F03B11). The collection report selects invoices based on the value of this field. The system automatically updates this field to Y on any new invoices entered for the customer.

You can run the collection report in proof or final mode. If you run the report in final mode, you must enter a collection reason code in the processing options. The system updates the Collection Reason Code field (RPCORC) with the reason code that you enter for the invoice records selected to print on the report. You can use data selection to limit the invoices that appear on the report or to exclude customers who might be eligible.

The report lists both the gross and open amounts of the invoice in the domestic and foreign currency.

Note: The system does not automatically deselect the Collection Report option on the customer record after you print the collection report. You must manually clear the option when appropriate.