Understanding the EDI Inbound Receipt Inquiry Program

After you run the Update to Electronic Receipts program (R47111) in proof mode, you must make corrections or additions to an EDI transmission before you run the program in final mode.

You use the EDI Inbound Receipt Inquiry program (P47110) to locate and revise components of an inbound EDI transmission. A version of this program resides on both the Lockbox (823) and Inbound Payment Order (820) menus. The only difference between the two versions is a processing option setting for the default transaction set. The system stores information for each component in a different table. These components constitute an EDI transmission:




A transaction contains header information that links together the deposit, payment, and remittance components. Transaction information is stored in the F47111 table.


A deposit contains all of the payments that are received by the bank for a specific time frame, such as one day. Deposit information is stored in the F47112 table.


A payment is a receipt that can be applied to one or more invoices or invoice pay items. Payment information is stored in the F47113 table.


A remittance contains information about the invoice that is to be paid. Remittance information is stored in the F47114 table.

To change any of the components of the EDI transmission, you must first locate them. The relationship between the components is hierarchical. Therefore, to locate a deposit, you must first locate the transaction that contains the deposit; to locate a payment, you must first locate the transaction and the deposit that contains the payment; to locate a remittance, you must first locate the transaction, the deposit, and the payment.

After you locate the EDI transaction and component, you can revise any of the available fields.