Allowable and Unallowable Expenses

If you have set up expense categories in the applicable expense policy to differentiate between allowable and unallowable expenses, the system calculates allowable and unallowable expenses when you enter expenses and stores the unallowable expense total in the Expense Report Header table (F20111) and in the Expense Report Detail table (F20112). The system allocates allowable and unallowable amounts whether you:

  • Enter expenses on the Edit Expense Detail Information form.

  • Split charges.

  • Copy an expense report.

  • Import expenses.

You can set a processing option to display or hide the Allowable Amount and the Unallowable Amount fields. If you set the processing option to allow an auditor to change amounts, the auditor can change the allowable and unallowable amounts. In this case, the system automatically recalculates the total unallowable amount for the expense report header.