Auditing Expense Reports

You audit expense reports by reviewing expense items and approving them, if required, and then accepting or rejecting the expense report. Expense items that the system marked as exceptions must be approved (selected) unless you set the processing option for Policy Exceptions to blank (Do not require approval). If you do not require expense items that are exceptions to the policy to be approved, you can bypass the auditor's checklist by clicking OK. The system provides the checklist for you to use according to your auditing practices.

Note: Regardless of processing option settings, expense reports identified as having duplicate expenses must be approved by the auditor.

After you complete the checklist, the system displays the expense report details. If necessary and if you have the authority, you can revise expense amounts or other information about the expense item before you accept or reject the report.

If you accept an expense report, the system changes its status to Reimbursement Process and the report is ready for reimbursement. If you reject an expense report, you must specify a reason. The system provides you with predefined reasons that you can use, or you can specify your own reason. The employee whose expense report is rejected receives a notification message, and the expense report must be modified and resubmitted. The system assigns rejected expense reports the status of Employee Review from Auditor. When the employee resubmits the expense report, the system routes it to the same auditor for review and approval.