
This processing option specifies whether the auditor can modify an expense report that is at an Audit status.

1. Modify Expense Reports

Specify whether an auditor can modify an expense report that is at an audit status. If you enable auditors to modify expense reports, the can revise the allowable and unallowable amounts in expense detail lines. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow.

1: Allow.

2. Send email to Auditor

Specify whether to send an email to the auditor when the expense report is ready to be audited. Values are:

Blank: Do not send.

1: Send.

3. Override Default Auditor

Specify the address book number of the auditor's distribution list to use to send email messages. You must set up the organizational structure for the address book number that you specify using the structure type ERA.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system sends email messages to the persons set up on the organizational structure for address book number 7372 and structure type ERA.

The system uses this processing option only when you set the Send Email to Auditor processing option to 1.

4. Validate for Duplication

Specify whether the system validates for duplicate expenses. Expenses are duplicate when the same information is entered in these fields: Employee ID, Expense Category, Expense Amount, Expense Currency, Expense Date. Values are:

Blank: Do not validate for duplicate expenses.

1: Validate for duplicate expenses only on the current expense report.

The system includes expense report number in addition to the other validation criteria.

2: Validate for duplicate expenses on the current and previously submitted expense reports.

The system validates the expenses on the current expense report against the expenses entered on the expense reports that were submitted previously and also against the expenses entered in the current expense report. The system uses the value entered in the Number of Days to Use for Validation processing option to determine which expense reports to include in the validation process.

5. Number of Days to Use for Validation

Specify the number of days to include in the validation process for duplicate expenses. The system subtracts the number of days that you specify for the expense report end date to use as the date range.

For example, if you enter an expense report end date of June 30, 2003 and you enter 60 for this processing option, the system validates the expenses entered for the current expense report against all of the expenses entered between May 02, 2003 and June 30, 2003.

The system uses this processing option only when the value of the Validate for Duplication processing option is set to 2. If you leave this processing option blank, the system validates for duplicate expenses on the current expense report only.