Expense Status Codes (09E/ES)

The system assigns an expense status to each expense to indicate its status. Do not add new codes or modify the existing codes because they are hard-coded for the expense management programs. You can modify the descriptions if necessary.

This status is hidden from the employee entering an expense report, but it is visible to a reviewing auditor. These expense status codes are available:

  • 10: Approved

  • 15: Incomplete Information

  • 20: Preferred Vendor Not Used

  • 30: Policy Amount Exceeded

  • 32: Allow Amt Exceed, No Pref Vend

  • 40: Audit Amount Exceeded

  • 42: Audit Amt Exceed, No Pref Vend

  • 50: Policy & Audit Amt Exceeded (policy and audit amount exceeded)

  • 52: Except:Allow, Audit, Pref Vend (policy and audit amount exceeded and Preferred Vendor Not Used)

  • 60: Dup Expense on Current Rpt (duplicate expense on current report)

  • 70: Dup Expense on Previous Rpt (duplicate expense on previous report)

  • 80: Dup Expense on Current & Prev (duplicate expense on current and previous reports)

  • 90: Combination of Exceptions