
These processing options control how the system performs the update.

1. Mode

Specify the processing mode for running the Update Manager ID report. In proof mode, the system generates a report that shows which records are selected for the update. In final mode, the system updates the database records with the manager ID. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode

1: Final mode

2. Update Employee Profile

If you manually entered manager IDs in employee profiles, use this processing option to update manager IDs. Leave the processing option blank if the employee profile uses the supervisor ID from the Employee Master Information table (F060116) as the default manager ID. Values are:

Blank: Do not update employee profiles.

1: Update employee profiles.

3. Update Organizational Structure

Specify whether you want to update the manager ID in the organizational structure that the employee belongs to. The update replaces the previous manager ID with the new manager ID in the following organizational structure tables for the structure type that you entered on the employee profile:

  • Address Organization Structure Master (F0150)

  • Organizational Structure Master (F98840)

If the employee profile does not contain a structure type, the system does not perform the update.

Blank: Do not update the organizational structure.

1: Update the organizational structure.

Important: If you select 1, the system deletes from the associated distribution list any manager that is currently on an employee profile with a structure type.
4. Update Pending Expense Reports

Specify whether you want to update the manager ID in employee expense reports that are not yet approved. The system updates the manager ID in the Expense Report Header table (F20111) for the selected employees. In addition, workflow sends an approval request to the new manager or to the revised group distribution list if the employee profile has an associated structure type.

Note: The previous workflow process is terminated when the new workflow process initiates. Therefore, if managers have already approved the pending expense reports, they must approve the expense reports again.

Values are:

Blank: Do not update expense reports.

1: Update expense reports and resend the message.