
These processing options specify the selection criteria to purge credit card transactions.

1. Date range of records to purge.

Specify the beginning expense report date to use to purge records from the Credit Card Transaction Interface Table (F09E150). The system uses this processing option in conjunction with the Ending Expense Date processing option to locate the available records.

Beginning Expense Date

If you leave this processing option blank, all records with an expense report date on or before the date specified in the Ending Expense Report Date processing option will be purged.

Ending Expense Date (Required)

Use this processing option to specify the ending expense report date in the date range used to purge records from the Credit Card Transaction Interface Table (F09E150). The system uses this processing option in conjunction with the Beginning Expense Date processing option to locate the available records.

You must specify a date for this processing option or the system will not purge any records.

2. Enter '1' to purge records with the transaction status:

Applied, Available, and In Dispute

Specify purge options from the Credit Card Transaction Interface Table (F09E150) based on their transaction status.

The system uses this processing option together with the date range specified in the Beginning Expense Date and Ending Expense Date processing options to locate the available records. Values are:

Blank: Do not purge.

1: Purge.

3. Choose additional transaction statuses to purge.

You can specify two additional transaction statuses that the system uses to select transactions for purging. Values are:

0: Available.

1: Applied to Expense Report

2: In Dispute.

3: Non-Reimbursable.

4: Obsolete.

You set up these values in the Credit Card Transaction Status UDC table (09E/CS). The system uses these processing options, together with the date range specified in the Beginning Expense Date and Ending Expense Date processing options, to locate the available records.