Setting Up Employee Profile Information

Access the Employee Profile Revisions form.

Employee Reference Number

Enter an alphanumeric value that you can use as an alternate address book number to identify the employee in the Employee ID field in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Expense Management system applications.

Source Table Option

The system displays the source table selection based on the setting of the Home Business Unit Source processing option for the Employee Profile Entry program (P20103).

Source Business Unit

The system displays the source business unit based on the source table that you select and uses the business unit as a default value when you enter the expense report.

If you change the value of the source table using the processing option for Home Business Unit Source, the system automatically displays the new value for this field. To eliminate dual maintenance, the system does not store the business unit in the Employee Profile Definition table (F20103).

Manager ID

Enter the address book number of the employee's manager.

Depending on the setting of the Manager processing option, the system might complete this field automatically with the address book number of the supervisor that is set up in the Employee Master Information table (F060116). Otherwise, enter the address book number of the employee's manager.

Unless you specify an override manager in the Expense Reimbursement Routing Rules program (P09E119), the person identified in this field must approve expense reports for this employee, if approval is required.

Group Profile

Enter a name used to group employees according to reimbursement policy, and reimbursement method, and currency. You can override the reimbursement method and currency at the employee level in the employee profile.

Structure Type

Enter a code from the Parent/Child Structure Type user-defined code (UDC) table (01/TS) that identifies a type of organizational structure with its own hierarchy in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system.

To support approval workflow processing for expense reports, the structure type must point to the group distribution list that you set up for the employee in the Distribution List Control program (P02150). Any structure type that you use for distribution lists that you set up for expense report approvals must have a special handling code of 09E. An employee can belong to only one distribution list for a structure type.

When you enter a structure type, the system verifies that the associated distribution list is set up correctly. If the distribution list is not set up correctly, the system issues a warning.

This field is optional. If you leave this field blank, approval workflow messages for expense reports are routed to the manager whose ID you enter in the employee profile.

Monitor Employee

Select this option to specify whether an audit is required for every expense report submitted by the employee.

If you select this option, every expense report submitted by this employee will be audited, regardless of the audit rules established for the policy.

Multiple Employee Authority

Select this option to specify that an employee has the authority to enter and review expense reports for other employees.

If you clear the Employee Multiple Authority option on the employee profile, the system deletes all associated records for the employee in the Address Organization Structure Master table (F0150). The employee will no longer have authorization to enter expense reports for other employees.

(Release 9.2 Update) Multiple Employee Expense Submission

Select this option to provide employee level authorization to enable an employee to submit expense reports for other employees. The system stores this value in the F20103 table. When you have this option selected, the system allows you to submit the expense report for another employee using the Expense Entry program (P09E2011).

Note: The system enables this option only when you select the Multiple Employee Authority check box.
Reimbursement Currency

Specify the currency in which the expense report is reimbursed.

If the reimbursement method is from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system (1, 2, or 3), the system uses the reimbursement currency from the employee profile, if specified. Otherwise, the system uses the reimbursement currency of the group profile assigned to the employee profile.

If the reimbursement method is from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system (4 or 5), the system uses the currency code assigned to the company in which the employee's home business unit resides, regardless of the reimbursement currency assigned to the group profile.

Note: If you enter a value in this field, you are overriding the value that is set up in the group profile.
Reimbursement Method

Enter a UDC (09E/RM) that specifies whether to reimburse the employee or the employee's credit card company and whether the payment should be generated from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system or the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system.

Note: If you enter a value in this field, you are overriding the payment method that is specified in the group profile.
Approval Required

Select this option to specify whether an expense report needs to be approved by a person with the appropriate authority before it is processed by the accounting department.

Approval by Exception

Select this option if you want the manager to approve only those expense reports that have an exception. If the expense report does not have an exception, manager approval is not necessary.