
Use these processing options to specify location and cost account information to be used, and whether the system creates ledgers in the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202). The system uses the values specified in the processing options as the default for Location Start Effective Date and Location Default.

1. Location Default

Specify whether the location of an asset is derived from the responsible business unit. Values are:

Blank: Do not use the location from the responsible business unit.

1: Use the location from the responsible business unit as the default.

2. Location Start Effective Date

Specify the effective start date for the location of an asset. Values are:

Blank: Use the system date as the effective start date.

1: Use the acquired date as the effective start date.

You can use the acquired date as the effective start date only if the system date in the asset master record is blank.

When the date acquired is later than the system date, the system date will be used for the location start effective date. The location start effective date cannot be later than the system date.

3. Child Asset Cost Account Information Default

Specify whether cost account information is derived from the parent asset. Values are:

Blank: Do not use the parent asset as the source for default cost account information.

1: Use the parent asset as the source for default cost account information.

4. Create Asset Account Balances (F1202)

Specify whether the system creates ledgers in the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202). Values are:

Blank: Do not create ledgers in the F1202.

1: Create ledgers in the F1202.

5. Major Accounting Class and Major Equipment Class

Specify whether the system should retrieve the major accounting class and major equipment class from the depreciation default coding or from the asset master record. The sytem uses this processing option only when you copy assets. Values are:

Blank: Retrieves by default from the depreciation default coding.

1:Retrieves by default from the from the asset master record.