Depreciation Reports

This table lists the depreciation reports:

Report ID and Report Name




Depreciation Defaults

After you set up the depreciation default information, you can generate the Depreciation Default report to review the depreciation values by company, object, and subsidiary.

Cost Information & Reports (G1213), Depreciation Defaults Report


Depreciation Schedule

You can print this report to review a list of assets and their corresponding depreciation expense and net book value amounts for each ledger. You can specify the sequence of this report by depreciation expense account or by accumulated depreciation account as of any date.

Cost Information & Reports (G1213), Depreciation Schedule


Depreciation Rules

You can print each depreciation rule that you have defined for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets system. The Depreciation Rules Report shows this information:

  • Depreciation method

  • Computation method

  • Depreciation information

  • Life months

  • Date from

  • Effective beginning date

Cost Information & Reports (G1213), Depreciation Rules Report


Spread Pattern

You can print all codes in the spread pattern file with the associated period spread percentages.

Cost Information & Reports (G1213), Depreciation Spread Pattern Print