Next Numbers

The Next Number program controls the automatic numbering in many JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems. When you set up equipment next numbers, you enable the system to automatically assign unique numbers for certain items. For example, when you create an equipment master for a new piece of equipment, the system assigns a unique equipment number to the equipment. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets system automatically assigns numbers to these items:



Asset number

Use to identify the assets in the system by a number. The system generates an equipment (asset) number to uniquely identify each piece of equipment. Depending on how you set up equipment constants, you can use the equipment number as the primary number by which equipment is identified on forms and reports throughout Equipment Plant Management.

Fixed asset documents

Use to identify documents that the system creates when you run various Fixed Assets programs, including:

  • Compute Depreciation

  • Single/Mass Asset Transfer

  • Single/Mass Asset Disposal

  • Enter Beginning Balances

  • Asset Splits

Location information and associated text

Use to identify individual lines of location information and the associated text. The system assigns a text number to every location tracking record, whether you enter text for the record or not. Various programs in the system use the text key number internally.

Location tracking information

Use to group location tracking records. The transfer number can include multiple location information lines for multiple pieces of equipment. For example, when you enter location tracking information for several pieces of equipment on one form, the system generates a transfer number to group lines of information together as one transfer order.

Equipment number

The system generates an equipment (asset) number to uniquely identify each piece of equipment. Depending on how you set up equipment constants, you can use the equipment number as the primary number by which equipment is identified on forms and reports throughout Equipment Plant Management.

Important: You must specify the first next number for the Asset ID Number. The number must have a value of 1 or greater.

If you convert to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets system, you must specify an Asset ID Number that is greater than the highest asset identification number. Other next number specifications are optional.

In general, you assign next numbers for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets system by company or by company and fiscal year for selected original documents.

The system stores these next numbers in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets system (system 12). The system generates next numbers from the Next Numbers - Automatic table (F0002).

Important: In general, you do not use blank as a next number value. In addition, to ensure data integrity and prevent the system from assigning duplicate next numbers, you must never change a next number to a lesser value.