
Use the processing options to specify whether to run this program in preliminary or final mode, restore data, and convert data from JD Edwards World to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

1. Process Mode

Specify the mode in which to run this program. Values are:

Blank: Preliminary mode.

You should run the program in preliminary mode before running it in final mode to select the records to restore. Running this program in preliminary mode does not update any tables. You can run this program in preliminary mode as many times as required. This is the default.

1: Final mode.

When you run this program in final mode, the system updates the depreciation rules setup information printed on the report.

Note: This processing option retains the value previously specified. If this program was run in final mode the last time it was used, it will run in final mode again unless you specify otherwise.
2. Restore Demo Depreciation Data

Specify the mode to restore JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Demo Depreciation. Values are:

Blank: Restore data.

Only matching numeric methods are updated from Demo Depreciation Data. A matching numeric method consists of Depreciation Method, Life Periods, Initial Term Apportionment, Compute Direction, In Service Start Date, and Effective Start Date. This does not include customer additions to numeric methods. This is the default.

1: Restore data with Edit Disable checked.

The Edit Disable must be checked in the Depreciation Rule Revisions (P12851) to restore numeric methods. A matching numeric method consists of Depreciation Method, Life Periods, Initial Term Apportionment, Compute Direction, In Service Start Date, and Effective Start Date. This does not include customer additions to numeric methods.

2: Delete all and restore data.

All numeric methods are deleted, including customer additions, and Depreciation Data is restored from Demo Depreciation Data. Only methods that are included in data selection will be restored.

The use of numeric methods is reserved. Numeric methods include (00 - 99). Customer user-defined methods are not used in this restoration process.

Customer additions are defined as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne numeric methods that have been copied and depreciation information has been modified.

The tables to restore from Demo Depreciation Data are:

  • F12851D to F12851

  • F12852D to F12852

  • F12853D to F12853

3. Create Demo Depreciation Rules

Specify whether to create depreciation rules used by the JD Edwards World Compute Depreciation Program (P12850). This option is used to convert data to User Defined Depreciation. If you are only running JD Edwards EnterpriseOne User Defined Depreciation (R12855) or already using the JD Edwards World User Defined Depreciation (P12855), this processing option is not necessary. Values are:

Blank: Do not create Depreciation Rules.

This is the default.

1: Create Depreciation Rules.

The existing Asset Balances (F1202) are validated against current depreciation information. If depreciation information does not exist in the User Defined Depreciation rules setup, the existing rules are validated against the demonstration data tables. If a match exists, a new user-defined depreciation rule is created. A matching numeric method consists of a Depreciation Method, Initial Term Apportionment, Compute Direction, In Service Start Date, and Effective Start Date. Life Periods are not included in this method.