
These processing options enable you to:

  • Specify the depreciation period or date through which depreciation will be calculated.

  • Print assets based on current period adjustments.

  • Summarize accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense account information.

  • Prevent the system from creating actual amount transaction records.

  • Indicate whether you want to use flex accounting.

These processing options also enable you to specify whether you want to run this program in preliminary or final mode.

When you run this program in preliminary mode, the system:

  • Validates the information that you enter in the processing options.

  • Validates the accounts to which the system will post the depreciation journal entries.

  • Prints a report that shows the amounts that will post to each depreciation account when you run the final depreciation.

    This report also shows calculated results including costs, accumulated depreciation, and year-to-date depreciation for the assets that you specify.

When you run this program in final mode, the system:

  • Validates the information that you enter in the processing options.

  • Validates the accounts to which the system will post the depreciation journal entries.

  • Prints a report that shows the amounts posted to the depreciation accounts for each asset number.

    If an error exists, the depreciation process does not create journal entries for that particular asset and you see an error message on the report.

  • Updates the Asset Account Balances table (F1202).

  • Creates fixed asset journal entries for the accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense accounts that are affected by the depreciation.

    These journal entries have a document type of DP (depreciation) and a batch type of X.

  • Creates journal entries that are based on the value in the Transaction Creation field on the Fixed Asset Ledger Type Rules form. The system creates unposted journal entries if the Transaction Creation field contains a value of 2. The system creates posted journal entries if the Transaction Creation field contains a value of 1 or 3 for audit trail purposes.

  • Enables you to submit depreciation journal entries for batch processing to post to the journal entries to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system using the Versions processing option on the Versions tab.

    • 1. Process Mode

      Specify the mode in which you want to run this program. Values are:

      Blank: Run the program in preliminary mode.

      You should run the program in preliminary mode before running it in final mode. If the system finds errors, you will see an error message on the preliminary report. You should correct errors that appear on the report and rerun the program in preliminary mode. Running this program in preliminary mode does not create journal entries or update any tables. You can run this program in preliminary mode as many times as required.

      1: Run the program in final mode.

      When you run this program in final mode, the system posts accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense journal entries to the Asset Balances table (F1202) and create journal entries in the Account Ledger table (F0911). The system also submits the depreciation journal entries to the general ledger post program based on a version for the general ledger post.

      Note: This processing option retains the value previously specified. For example, if you ran this program in final mode the last time you used it, the program will run in final mode again unless you change the value of this processing option.
    • 2. Depreciation Period or Through Date

      Specify the depreciation period or the date through which depreciation should be calculated and the fiscal year (four-digit) for the period or date.

      If you enter a depreciation period, the system uses the period end date to calculate depreciation based on the number of periods processed in the current fiscal year. If you enter a through date, the system calculates depreciation based on the number of days processed the current fiscal year. Enter the month, date, and year in this field.

      If you leave Period/Date blank, the system will use the current period end date for each company. If you leave Fiscal Year blank, the system will use the date pattern established for the default company 00000.

    • 3. Select Assets to Print

      Specify whether to print all of the assets in the current selection or limit assets based on balance adjustments. Values are:

      Blank: Print all assets.

      1: Print only assets with balance adjustments for the current period or date.

    • 4. Summarize Transactions

      Specify whether you want the system to summarize accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense account information. Values are:

      Blank: Do not summarize account information.

      1: Summarize account information.

      Note: If you summarize the accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense account information, the system will not record transaction detail by Asset Number. This transaction detail information (F0911 transactions) supports the information in the Asset Balances table (F1202). Consequently, you will not be able to use the Fixed Asset Repost program (R12910).
    • 5. Create Transaction Records

      Specify whether you want the system to create transaction records (F0911 records) for the AA ledger. Values are:

      Blank: Create transaction records for the AA ledger.

      1: Do not create transaction records for the AA ledger.

      Note: If you do not create transaction records for the AA ledger, you will have no information to support the information in the Asset Balances table (F1202). Consequently, you will not be able to use the Fixed Asset Repost program (R12910).
    • 6. Flex Accounting

      Indicate whether you want to use flex accounting. Values are:

      Blank: Do not use flex accounting.

      1: Use flex accounting.

    • 7. Page Break Suppress

      Specify whether the system allows the User Defined Depreciation report (R12855) to set page breaks. If you do not allow page breaks, the system processes the report more efficiently and uses less paper to print. However, if you do not allow page breaks, the header does not appear. Additionally, the system limits the account information that appears to ledger type, depreciation expense account, and accumulated depreciation account. Values are:

      Blank: Allow page breaks.

      1: Do not allow page breaks.

    • 8. Inception to Date Correction Processing

      Specify how adjustments will be made if you use the Inception to Date Compute Direction of I. Values are:

      Blank: Spread adjustments over the current year.

      Any adjustments to depreciation will be spread over the remaining months of the fiscal year.

      1: Apply total adjustments to the current period.

      The total adjustment will be made in the current period and the remaining months will be calculated using the updated amounts.