Quarterly and Year-to-Date Reports

This table lists the quarterly and year-to-date reports:

Report ID and Report Name




Property Tax Worksheet

Print the Property Tax Worksheet to review summarized totals for assets by tax entity and year acquired. You can use the Property Tax Worksheet to prepare the property taxes for local governing authorities. The worksheet includes a work area for the tax preparer's notes.

Year End Processes (G1225), Property Tax Worksheet


Depreciation Expense

Print this report to review an asset's current cost, depreciation expense, and net book value for a specific fiscal period, quarter, or year.

Quarterly & YTD Fixed Asset Reports (G1223), Depreciation Expense Report


Fixed Asset Reconciliation

Run this report to help you reconcile a specific asset or all assets for a company. Run this report by asset to review the account activity for an asset's cost and accumulated depreciation. You can use the report to reconcile activity for a particular quarter or the entire fiscal year.

Quarterly & YTD Fixed Asset Reports (G1223), Fixed Asset Reconciliation


Fixed Asset Retirement

Print this report to review the gain or loss on the disposal of an asset for any ledger.

Quarterly & YTD Fixed Asset Reports (G1223), F/A Retirements


Depreciation and Amortization

Print this report to review asset cost and year-to-date depreciation as of the fiscal year that you specify for the report. You might use this report when preparing taxes. The information in the Depreciation and Amortization report can be especially helpful if you need to prepare an IRS Form 4562.

Quarterly & YTD Fixed Asset Reports (G1223), Depreciation & Amortization Report


Sale of Business Property

Print this report to review information about disposed assets. You can print the Sale of Business Property report for personal property or real property. You might want to use these reports when you prepare taxes. The information in the Sale of Business Property report can be especially helpful if you need to prepare an IRS Form 4797.

Quarterly & YTD Fixed Asset Reports (G1223), Sale of Business Property


Account Reconciliation

Print this report to help you reconcile the activity of a specific account or all of the accounts for a company.

Quarterly & YTD Fixed Asset Reports (G1223), F/A Account Reconciliation