R12800 - Post G/L Entries to Fixed Assets Report

Two informational messages can appear in the Message Area column on this report:



Asset Number Assigned

If you did not assign an asset number to an unposted journal entry, this message indicates that the system has automatically assigned an asset number that is based on the FA (Fixed Assets) range in the AAIs. This step can be done only in the batch post process.

Asset Master Record Created

This message indicates that the system created an asset master record and its corresponding balance record for a posted transaction. If you do not create these records for an asset before running the post program, the system automatically creates them under these circumstances:

  • The asset number is blank in the Account Ledger table (F0911).

  • The cost object account falls within the FA range of AAIs.

  • The Post G/L Entries to Assets program runs the post.

The system creates asset masters and balance records that are based on the values, which you enter in Depreciation Account Rules and Ledger Depreciation Rules.