Account Revision

Revising accounts is necessary in order to maintain and update the most current information in the system. For example, you might need to:

  • Revise multiple accounts that are assigned to one business unit.

    You might want to do this if the company has been restructured or you want to include additional information about the company.

  • Revise one account that is assigned to many business units.

    You might want to change the description of the account or include additional information, particularly additional lines for a business unit description.

  • Revise a single account.

    You revise a single account if you need to add or change selected information, such as alternate object and subsidiary, that is not available on other account revision forms.

  • Add text to an existing account.

    You can add text to an existing account for any additional information that is related to the account.

  • Change an account number.

    You can change an account number only if the new number does not already exist in the Account Master table (F0901). If you change an account number, the revision applies only to new postings. To have old balances correspond with the new account numbers, you must run the Update Business Unit.Object.Subsidiary to Account Balances program.

    You can set the Security processing options for the Review and Revise Accounts program (P0901) to prevent the object and subsidiary fields from being changed if an account has a balance in the F0911 or F0902 table. If no transactions or balances exist for the account, you can change the object and subsidiary, regardless of the setting of the Security processing options.

The system maintains account data in the F0901 table.