Category Codes 21–43

You assign category codes to accounts to expand your reporting capabilities and group your accounts for reporting purposes. You use category codes 21–43 (UDC 09/21–09/43) for accounts in the same way that you use category codes for business units. Unlike category codes 09/01–09/20, these category codes are 10-characters.

The 10-character category codes are useful if your business requires an alternate chart of accounts for statutory reporting. You can use the category code and the description (instead of the account number and description), on trial balance, general ledger, and general journal reports. These category codes let you build summarization logic into your reports.

After you set up values for category codes 21–43, you assign the values to accounts in your chart of accounts. This creates a link between the accounts and the category codes and enables you to print these reports:

  • Debit/Credit T/B by Cat Code (R09472).

  • General Ledger by Category Code (R09470).

You can set up a version for each of the category codes that you use and specify the category code in a processing option for the program.

If you assign the same category code value to more than one of your accounts, the system adds the amounts in all of the accounts and prints the total amount on the report.

The system displays the values for category codes 09/01–09/43 in the Account Cat 1–Account Cat 43 fields on the Work With Accounts form.