Detail Area

Basis Value

If you did not pre-load unmatched basis values, you must manually enter the basis values.

Enter the value that is the basis for the default destination value. The value that you enter in this field must be valid for the Basis Column field in the header area. For example, if the Basis Column field contains the data item RP12, you must enter a value from UDC table 00/12. The visual assist shows a list of values that are valid for the basis column.

A value of blank is not valid in this field, even if blank represents a value in a UDC table. Because basis columns and values trigger the destination default values in the F0006 and F5201 tables, you must enter a value other than blank in this field for defaults to occur.

If the basis column is a check box instead of a field, the basis value can be an unselected check box. An unselected check box is valid for a basis column. While the unselected check box might appear to have a blank value, it actually has a value of 0 in the database.

The basis value is the trigger that creates default destination values in the F0006 and F5201 tables when data relationship functionality is used.

Destination Value

Enter the default value of the destination value associated with the basis value. The value that you enter in this field must be valid for the Destination Column field in the header area. For example, if the Destination Column field contains the data item RP13, you must enter a value from UDC table 00/13. The visual assist shows a list of values that are valid for the destination column.

A value of blank is valid in this field only if the Enforce Rule and Blanks Allowed check boxes are selected for the column set.

If you leave this field blank and blanks are not allowed for the column set (the Blanks Allowed check box is not selected), the system does not write the record to the database.

The destination value is a default value that appears in certain entry programs when data relationship functionality is used.

Effective As Of

Enter the date in which the values for the basis and destination are effective. If you entered a value in the Default Effective As Of field, leave this field blank to accept the default date.