Forms Used to Set Up Business Units

Form Name




Work With Business Units


Organization & Account Setup (G09411), Review and Revise Business Units

Review a list of business units.

To print the Business Unit Report (R0006P) by company, select BU Print from the Report menu.

Revise Business Unit


On the Work With Business Units form, click Add.

To review or revise the address book record for the business unit, select Address Book from the Form menu.

Set up and revise business units. Assign category codes to business units

Revise Multiple Business Units


On the Work With Business Units form, select Rev Mult BU from the Row menu.

Change multiple business units.

Translate Business Unit Descriptions


Organization & Account Setup (G09411), Translate Business Units

On the Work with Companies form, select a record.

Translate business units. The language preference must be set up in the user profile.

Review BU Expanded Descriptions


On the Translate Business Unit Descriptions form, select Expanded Desc. from the Row menu.

If you add an expanded description and click OK on Review BU Expanded Descriptions, you must also click OK on Translate Business Unit Descriptions. If you click Cancel, the system deletes your changes.

Add more translated text to a business unit description.

Business Unit Translations


On the Work With Business Units form, select Translations and then Transl Single BU from the Row menu.

If you do not want to enter an account number in the beginning range of either GLG11 or GLG13, enter the same account number as the beginning range for GLG12 (ending profit and loss accounts).

Review translated business units in multiple languages.