Rearranging Organizational Structure Components

Access the Organizational Structure form.

You can revise an organizational structure by moving components within the structure to different locations within the hierarchy. You can move individual business units by dragging the corresponding documents and dropping them under a different parent. You can move higher levels of the structure, such as all business units for a given category code, by dragging the folder that corresponds to the category code.

When you move a company, the business units directly under the company move with the company.

If you assigned a sequence number to a company when you created the hierarchy, moving a business unit in the hierarchy might change the company number of the business unit. The system displays a warning message if moving a business unit would cause its company number to change.

You can also use the Business Unit Structure Definition program (P0050A) to rearrange an organizational structure by changing the sequence of one or more category codes.

Note: When you rearrange components within a structure, the system updates the Business Unit Master table (F0006) unless you are working with a date-effective snapshot of an organizational structure. When you rearrange components in a date-effective snapshot of an organizational structure, the system updates the F0006S table.