Reviewing Supported Data Relationships Columns for a Table

Access the Revise Relationship Columns form.

Revise Relationship Columns form

This form example shows a sample of the supported columns for the F0006 table.

See F0006 Table.

Column Type

The system displays the column type that is valid for a column. Values are:

1: Basis and destination.

2: Basis only.

You cannot change the column type for AN8O from basis only (2) to both basis and destination (1); the system issues a hard error message. AN8O is the only column in the F0006 and F5201 tables that is hard-coded to be basis only.

You can, however, change other column types to be basis only. Be aware if you change the column type from basis and destination (1) to basis only (2) and then back to basis and destination (1), the system does not issue a warning or error message. Consider adding program logic to the P00424 program or place security on column types to prevent users from doing this.