Revise Bank Information Form

Access the Revise Bank Information form.

Bank Address Number

Enter the address book number for the bank. If you enter a value other than the address book number (AN8), such as the long address or tax ID, you must precede it with the special character that is defined in the Address Book constants. When the system locates the record, it returns the address book number to the field.

(FIN) The country code on address book records for Finnish banks must be FI.

Bank Transit Number

Enter the number assigned to a particular bank by the Federal Reserve to facilitate the clearing of funds.

(FIN) This field is used in connection with the Bank Account Number field. The system creates this number when you enter the bank account number. For other Nordic users, leave this field blank.

Bank Account Number

Enter the number assigned by a bank to identify the account for a company, customer, or supplier.

Note: For Nordic users that are not Finnish, enter the bank, Bankgiro, or Postgiro account number.

Enter a string of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies a customer bank account anywhere in the world. Enter the IBAN in its electronic format. The electronic format consists of the country code, the check digits, and the basic bank account number, and does not include any spaces or country-specific characters.

The IBAN has a maximum of 34 alphanumeric characters; the first two alpha characters identify the country in which the account is held and the next two digits are the check digits, which validate the complete IBAN. The final part of the IBAN is the domestic account number, which in most cases consists of the account number itself, the number that identifies the bank and the branch, and one or more check digits. For some countries, an extra bank identifier is included.

For accounts designated as SEPA accounts, you must enter a valid IBAN. The system validates the IBAN that you enter and displays an error message in case of incorrect entry or if the IBAN field is blank.

Note: (Release 9.2 Update) You can use the preconfigured Set Up SEPA Bank Account personal form to create a SEPA account. See "Setting Up SEPA and US Bank Accounts Using Personal Forms (Release 9.2 Update)".

(SWE) The system uses the IBAN instead of the bank account number that exists for the supplier when you process foreign payments. If you do not enter the IBAN in this field, the system uses the bank account number for the customer or supplier that you set up in the Swedish Enterprise Information for BG/PG program (P0474N1).

Control Digit

Enter a number that represents a check digit for a bank account number. This number is optional, and is not part of the key to the Bank Transit Master table (F0030).

Note: This field is not used for Nordic electronic payments.
Checking or Savings Account

Enter a code from UDC table H00/CK that specifies the type of bank account. This code is used during bank tape processing for automatic payments.


Enter an international bank identification code used to identify the origin and destination of electronic (or wire) financial transfers. The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) provides the code to banks.

The beneficiary's SWIFT address or routing/transit number is required by the bank. If you do not enter the beneficiary's SWIFT address or routing/transit number, the bank will reject the file. The system provides a default value from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table.

Bank Country Code

Enter a code from UDC table 00/CN that identifies a country. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system uses the country code for data selection and address formatting. The country code has no effect on currency conversion.

Override Supplier Pre-Note Code

Select this check box to specify that the system overrides the prenote code that is assigned to the supplier when performing an electronic funds transfer for the bank account specified.

Note: The system produces a bank tape without producing a paper check, regardless of whether this check box is selected. Additionally, some payment instruments are hard-coded to produce a paper check if insufficient information is provided, regardless of whether this check box is selected.

Do not select this check box if you want to use the prenote code that is assigned to the supplier.


Enter the number of days the system adds to the draft due date to determine the GL date for journal entries created during the draft collection process. This field is used only for accounts receivable draft processing.


Enter the number of days the system adds to the payment date to calculate the value date that is used in Accounts Payable draft processing.