Supplemental Data Type Formats

The type of information that you want to track determines the format in which you display supplemental data. These formats are available:




Use the narrative format to enter free-form text, such as:

  • General remarks

  • Notes

  • Memos

  • Descriptions

  • Employee performance appraisals

  • Applicant interview notes

  • Job descriptions

  • Legal descriptions

The system stores narrative text as generic text attachments.


Use the message format to enter narrative information about the data type. This format is similar to the narrative format.


Use the code format to customize the form on which you enter supplemental data. For each data type that uses the code format, you can customize column headings that appear on the data entry form. For example, you can use the code format to customize column headings for:

  • Language skills

  • Training completed

  • Employee appraisal details

  • Description of incident

  • Cost of damage

You can attach a UDC table to each supplemental data type that uses the code format. You can use existing UDC tables or create new ones. When you create new tables, you must use system codes ranging from 55 to 59, inclusive, to protect the table from being overwritten during the reinstall process.

To enter text, you can add an attachment to data types that use the code format.


The program format enables you to access a specific program and version number from the Supplemental Data program (P00092). Instead of customizing menus, you can set up supplemental data types that use program formats to access the forms that you use most often. You can then access the forms from a single menu selection, which saves time and streamlines data entry tasks.