Understanding Batch Control Review

If you have batch control activated, after you enter transactions into the batch, the system compares the amounts you entered to the amount you expected to enter and displays the difference, if any, when you exit the batch. When you exit the batch, one of these actions occurs:

  • If the system has finished processing the batch, the Batch Control form appears. The system subtracts the totals that you entered for the batch from the totals that you expected to enter and displays the result in the Difference row on the Batch Control form. This can help you locate missing or duplicate entries before you post them. In the event of a difference, you should review your transactions to locate the discrepancy.

  • If the system has not finished processing the batch, the NOTIFY - The Batch Is Still In The Process Of Closing form appears with two options:

    • Retry

      Click Retry until the Batch Control form appears. This form appears when the system has finished processing the batch.

    • Cancel

      Click Cancel if you want to bypass the Batch Control form. You will not be able to compare the totals that you entered on the Batch Control form with the totals you entered for the batch. Bypassing the Batch Control form does not affect the transactions that you entered or the status of the batch.